2024 Annual Report

More firsts made possible

2023-2024 Annual Impact Report


More firsts for donors & grateful patients



Monthly do nor

As a young adult, Chris Blender was diagnosed with Berger disease, a kidney disorder that, over time, can make it difficult for the kidneys to filter waste from the blood.

For many years, Chris found himself navigating the healthcare system while dealing with these issues. He received dialysis at Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre and was very impressed by the care and compassion shown to him by staff members there: “I can’t say enough great things about the staff at Sheldon Chumir who helped me through this phase.” Finally, at the age of 49, Chris required a kidney transplant. He had been going into kidney failure for about a year and his only option was a life- saving kidney transplant, which happened successfully in 2019 at Foothills Medical Centre. To thank all the healthcare workers who helped him,

Chris set up a monthly donation to Calgary Health Foundation, and has been donating consistently since 2020, the year after his kidney transplant. For Chris, it is something he can do to help others in the same situation. “Once you’ve had access to the services provided, you realize how critical they are. I plan on giving for the rest of my days because it’s important to me that others can receive the same level of care that I received.” — CHRIS BLENDER

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